Tuesday, May 29, 2007


The other night we went out to play pool. This mostly consisted of me taking inappropriate photos of Craig's butt when ever I could. At one stage he stretched right out onto the table to get a particular shot and since I didn't have my camera ready I tricked him into stalling the shot so that I could get a good photo of him. It was a lot of fun. However a couple of times I envoked the wrath of Craig and got chased around the pool table when I went too far. I finally stopped when he shoved the pool cue into my crotch. Nasty. Jon and I spent the night checking out chicks and getting Monica's opinion on them. It's always great to have a girl around who can spot doahh girls with you. After this we were looking forward to watching some Day Break; the show which stole the Groundhog Day idea and pulled it off nicely. However it was the last episode which was really kudos but meant that if we wanted to see any more of it we'd have to get the rest out on DVD. Ushj.
This weeks' GWBD is none other than the beautiful, talented and rumoured lesbian Sheryl Crow, but that won't stop Graham from being doahh for her. She's famous for her hits in the mid to late ninetees like If It Makes You Happy, Every Day is a Winding Road and All I Wanna Do. Apparently she's still going strong into the 2000s but the last thing I can actually remember her doing is Steve McQueen back in 2002. Anyway, the fact that she seems to be less prominent in the music scene doesn't make her anything less in Graham's eyes.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Last night I was walking home past the Opoho graveyard and I was wondering what it would be like to see a ghost. I would probably be telling everyone I knew for the next few months, never go past the graveyard again and have a few weeks of upset sleep. I dunno. Annoyingly some jogger burst out of the gardens beside the graveyard and scared the crap out of me. I must have looked like a complete dork when I coughed and spluttered and consequently had to pretend I was just spitting. Ushj! Anyway it got me thinking about what happened a couple of weeks ago at Bryan's bithday party. We had it at Hayward Hall in his kudos little complex on the second floor. Well, we were all sitting round having a good yarn and somebody randomly brought up ghosts. This prompted Helen, usually known for being a very level-headed person, to tell us about the image of a baby's face that she saw in the ceiling one night. Everyone sorta got a little unsettled and were further discomforted by Bryan telling us about the girl he saw out of the corner of his eye running off down the stairwell but who he couldn't find when he went to check out the stairs. Then they went on to tell us that other people in the hall had seen babies's faces in the ceiling and that one student had even seen someone standing in her room over the bed one night and when she went to push them away her hand went right through it. Well, by this stage, the group of people sitting in the room with Bryan and Helen, who were mostly Highw@y aged girls began to freak out while Jon and I were egging on the stories to scare them. But now we were pretty convinced that there were ghosts in this old maternity ward, too. Previously I hadn't known anyone personally who could give a convincing ghost story but now it was pretty obvious something was afoot. Ushj! After this I went home and didn't have the greatest sleep. I left Carl out in the lounge and he climbed on the piano of all things and climbed across it playing a whole bunch of eery notes as he did. Dork. So anyway, last night when I got home from uni Suzie Q texted me and said she wanted to stay overnight in a graveyard with Mix, Carla and anyone who wanted to come. Hmm, well, I guess we'll see if I really want to this weekend but I can't see it happening. Um, but only cos it's too cold. Here's a renowned ghost picture by the way to creep you out. Apparently this was taken in 1995 when a house was going up in flames. They found out later that the fire had been started by a 14 year old girl who had been careless with matches.

Here's an interesting theory from the guy whose site I stole this photo from: Do I believe in ghosts? Well, given the evidence we collected firsthand that night, I now admit to believing that there's something we can’t explain in terms of the normal world that’s at work here. My own personal theory? If there are such things as ghosts, I don't believe they're "spiritual" in nature at all. My thinking is that they are some kind of "recording" left in a place that sometimes replays itself: a recording in time and space. It might have something to do with quantum physics. Or this might all be a little too wacky anyway. But you tell me: would you say you don't believe in spooks if your tape recorder picked up a weird voice saying "Let me out..."?

By the way this week's GWBD is none other than the beautiful Heather Locklear

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Graham would be doahh!

The other day I went to the doctor to find a cure for my two week long headache and the doctor was able to slot me in straight away which was kudos. The doctor I got was really kudos and she prescribed me with a drug which was apparently one of the ingredients used to make P. I tried not to act suspicious. Another cool thing was that she was an advocate for coke drinking and said she had 18-packs of coke at work which she drank with her coworkers. The best part, though, was that she was an absolute Grahmwudbedoahh! (For those of you who have forgotten Grahmwudbedoahh stands for 'Graham would be doahh' which means 'older chicks that are hot who Graham would like') Sadly, however, Jon and I have had to take on the mantle of spotting and cataloguing Grahmwudbedoahhs because Graham rejects any prospective GWBDs we suggest. Therefore his position has been reduced to that of a figurehead where Jon and I are the ones who spot them, holler at them, comment on them, catalogue them, describe them to Graham, explain why they're worthy of being a GWBD to Graham and ignore what he says if he thinks we're wrong. Basically the ones who do all the substantial work. Whereas he is the one who gets the credit because he has his name is attached to the concept. The reason why we can't take on the GWBDs ourselves is cos Jon already has his own thing going with redheads who are doahh for him and I have, well, boys, but the less said about that the better. So anyway, I will have to give a GWBD of the week to keep everyone up to date. This weeks is none other than the gorgeous Nigella Lawson, Britain's own GWBD.

Monday, May 7, 2007


Well I am now officially a part time telemarketer. It seems like a pretty kudos job. I work for a bugs control place called Kilmore Bugs. Ahehe. I get a set standard wage and commission on top if I do well. The only problem is that its coming up to the winter season so they could be cutting back on staff soon so I have to prove myself as the best. The workers are pretty kudos, too. They're mostly students and as telemarketing can be quite montonous they were livening it up the other day by throwing in random words into the conversation as a joke. I never managed to get any extra words into the conversations with the people on the other end of the phone but the more experienced guys joked around by adding in stuff like mystery, ancient, velocity and so on. For instance Paddy, one of the other students there started off his conversation to some potential customer with "Hi, It's Mystery here from Kilmore Bugs Pest Control..." or "Yeah I can't here you on this phone very well. It's pretty ancient..." Once I'm more settled I'll have to throw in words like kudos, doahh and antidisestablishmentarianism. Also I hopefully have a job up at Fresh Choice as a duty manager. This way I can drop the petrol station job which is taking forever to get anywhere.

Thursday, May 3, 2007


Spiderman, nobody knows who you arrrrre! Well I gotta say, going and seeing Spiderman 3 tonight was a great highlight of the month, given that it's May the 2nd. But it really was very kudos. I went along with Malcolm, Jon and Monica. There were some terrific action scenes in it and the main part which kept Mon's attention was the love story. I'm pretty sure you could have kept most girls and guys happy by divying up the movie into a love story and a big action flick and both parties, girls and boys respectively, would have been happy. I especially enjoyed the bit where Spidey turned into his evil alterego and became all emo. He took on a really weird but kudos personality (if emo can ever be considered kudos) and danced around the streets like a complete hom. I was glad I didn't look at reviews beforehand as it had some interesting plot twists and once you got over the ridiculousness of the way the bad guys came about it was very enjoyable. When asked what Monica thought of the movie at the end she replied "It was ok." I responded with "People spend millions on a movie and all they get is 'It was ok'". Girls.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Carly kitten

At the end of last year I was hanging out with a family friend named Bev who is very much into pets and animals and she and her friend convinced me to buy a kitten from the SPCA. Well we got there and there was a whole bunch of sweet and naughty kittens in the cages but one caught my attention. He was almost completely black with some white spots here and there. Initially his name was Albino. Yes I know. Very a he he. Anyway, he wouldn't stop staring at me so I took him home out of sympathy. No actually he was very sweet so I thought I'd snatch him up in case he was gone the next time I came in. Ninety bucks later he was mine. However I had to work that night, a double shift the next day and then church and stuff on Sunday so it was a while before we got to hang out. Instead I dumped him with a very reluctant Si and went along to the petrol station. After some initial realisation of him being a complete dork I decided he needed a distinctive name. Vanessa decided the best one for him would have to be Carl. I completely objected to this cos it sounded kinda silly for a cat and inappropriate but I decided to let Carl decide for himself (at the time, of course, his name was not Carl) He insisted that his name had to be Carl so I told him that if I asked the cat if his name was Carl and he said 'yes' then that would be that. Of course a cat would never say yes but as soon as I walked in the door and asked "is your name Carl?" he immediately responded with a positive sounding meow. So that was that. He was Carl. After this Carl's main problem was overcoming his fear of being an absolute dork/wuss. I tried to counter this by putting him on high up cupboards and let him figure out his own way down. He responded to this well and overcame his fear, being able to jump reasonable distances without worrying. This height-overcoming-fear-challenge enabled Carl to prove his new found skills in climbing straight up the 3 metre pole, over the overhang and onto the deck. Very impressive. For being able to do that I am very proud of myself... I mean him.