Monday, May 7, 2007


Well I am now officially a part time telemarketer. It seems like a pretty kudos job. I work for a bugs control place called Kilmore Bugs. Ahehe. I get a set standard wage and commission on top if I do well. The only problem is that its coming up to the winter season so they could be cutting back on staff soon so I have to prove myself as the best. The workers are pretty kudos, too. They're mostly students and as telemarketing can be quite montonous they were livening it up the other day by throwing in random words into the conversation as a joke. I never managed to get any extra words into the conversations with the people on the other end of the phone but the more experienced guys joked around by adding in stuff like mystery, ancient, velocity and so on. For instance Paddy, one of the other students there started off his conversation to some potential customer with "Hi, It's Mystery here from Kilmore Bugs Pest Control..." or "Yeah I can't here you on this phone very well. It's pretty ancient..." Once I'm more settled I'll have to throw in words like kudos, doahh and antidisestablishmentarianism. Also I hopefully have a job up at Fresh Choice as a duty manager. This way I can drop the petrol station job which is taking forever to get anywhere.


Scotty said...

Supermarket slut!

Jon said...

Man, incredible that not only did your co-worker manage to get the word 'ancient' in the sentence, he managed to substitute 'hear' for 'here'! Genius! I'll be even more impressed if he's able to replace 'night' with 'knight' and 'feat' with 'feet' and... wait for it... 'metre' with 'meter'!

All this because adding 'antidisestablishmentarianism' is child's play. Try 'floccinaucinihilipilification'

Dom Crowl said...

He was saying "I can't hear you here" but in a condensed way. Duh.

Anemone Flynn said...

Naw, those are sissy words. Try hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia. 'Tis the best. Evah.


Anonymous said...

What about hair???