Monday, April 30, 2007

Contunation of Ushjness

Well the last few days have been even more ushjmaking. My current job marks the 3 month anniversary of having no petrol pumps, tanks and very few cusomters. All I have been doing is sitting out the back of the "petrol station" playing on the laptop and stuffing around. Fun. At the moment I'm trying to decide whether to take on a smaller part time job up at a supermarket which offers four hours a week as a duty manager or maybe as a telemarketer as I haven't heard back from the people at the data entry place. Then again the five minute speed test I took as a trial for the job consisted of me jabbing buttons every now and then and sitting there with a Doogled look on my face, wondering when I was getting my break. I also have very little time to get in two essays that are due next Monday, but judging by what other people have said, it sounds like I'm further ahead of them in terms of progress. These stresses culminated in my big giant ushjmaking headache that I got the other day. It would have been manageable had it been a regulkar headache but it started in the sinuses so it hurt like hell. Despite all this the weekends have been gooood. On Sunday we watched one of the funniest Mystery Science Theatres ever entitled Space Mutiny which was a ghastly impersonation of Star Wars. The hero was this buff, dimwitted, WWF, action hero, the heroin was Lea (sound familiar?), the "force" was substitued with divine dancing beings who guided people and the mentor figure was strikingly similiar to Santa Claus. All in all it was ridiculously funny and I highly recommend this show to anyone who cares to watch.


Jon said...

May your regulkar headaches be substitued with good ones and may no more cusomters cause a contunation of your ushjness.

Man, what did I just say?

Dom Crowl said...

Ok that's not funny kudos mate! Cos now that you've put this comment on here about my spelling mistakes I can't go and correct them or else that will deem your comment pointless and make you look stupid. My only option is to have me continue looking stupid and hope that everyone understands that you still have it all together. Ushj.

Anonymous said...

Man; wot kinde of skrewed upp spelin mystakes r thoss Domm? U carnt' evin spel contunation! Thast preti retardid! Fore waye beta spelin viset mye site! Way betta and les wurse!