Wednesday, April 18, 2007


The last few days have seen me desperately trying to find a new job. The one I am currently at gives me 6 hours a week on a Saturday morning and the large amount of money I have is gradually draining away due to having no income (and a vibrant lifestyle [only Jon will take that the wrong way]). It is a bit frustrating considering that when I left Countdown at the end of February I was given a healthy payout of $3000 of which $500 was taxed away. I managed to get out of overdraft with that money but now I'm slipping back into it despite the fact I have a thousand put away in a savings account. Anyway I went along to Student Job Search and asked for a job. Well, they told me I had to sign up online so I did this and found an ideal job down the end of North Rd as a bar manager part time at the Normanby Tavern. I was stoked and guessing that not too many people would have a liquor licence I left it for a day seeing as SJS was now closed. Well, today I turned up to SJS and, being pendatic, they said I didn't have the 6 months bar experience so I couldn't apply for it. I ignored this and went and talked to the person at the Normanby myself. And whaddya know, but they had given the job to someone the day before. Major ushjmaking! I tried to argue that I would be better cos I already had a liquor licence and the person she had hired was only going through the course now. Well, she took my number down anyway but I doubt I'll hear back from them. So the ideal part time job with flexible workig hours and short shifts is down the gurgler. Major ushj-making! The only other job that worked for me was a security guard but I dunno if I can be bothered giving up my Saturday and Friday nights to either hang outside bars kicking homs out or even worse, standing at the wharf guarding entrances to cruise ships. I've included a photo of myself wearing a police jacket. Does it strike fear into anyone's hearts? Hmm, maybe not, but I do look doahh.


Scotty said...

Doah. Nice jacket.

Jon said...

Doahh. Nice expression.

Anonymous said...

You dont strike fear into my heart but you strick lust big boy.Doahh

Scotty said...

It is major doah all around.