The other Sunday after church it was such a nice day and Scotty was down from Wellington so Jon, Scotty and I suggested going and doing something. We tried to get Total Bads to come along but he thought we were just going to hang out inside and watch movies or play boardgames or as he would say "You joolers are just gonna bainj around at hom bamshebamming around." His made up language is far more complex than mine and Jon's. Anyway we tried to convince him to come along but he ran off so the rest of us followed him with the van. When we got along to the Tea Col builders Scotty and I jumped out of the van and chased him through the college campus but he was too fast. We then tried again when we met up with him at uni and ran past random people at high speeds yelling stuff like "Stop that man!" We searched for another ten minutes all up the Town Belt but couldn't find him. After a while he texted me and said "Iskay u gushie bol-rolling banjirs. Why don't u joolers get creatv, go 2 supermrkt 4 focacia bred & pesto & hav picnc abv Karetai Cliffs? Thats wot real men do!" Jon and I were challenged by this. Iskay! Closer to the truth we now had something to do so we picked up Bads after he came out of hiding and went to the cliffs and got some good pics.
Good times, good times.
I need a dictionary of that language for translating purposes ...
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